Tuesday, March 24, 2015

2nd character

Liel is a magician who is very timid and unsuccessful magician who always makes mistakes during his performance. He wears dark/gray clothing with a bit of a pale skin. It is not because he was unskilled, but more because he has a trauma from making a major mistake in the past that led to a serious accident with a volunteered audience. Though he still wants to perform his show, he just can't get himself to be so confident anymore. Jason is a cool, considerate and cheerful guy who likes to make new friends and help those in need. He goes to Liel's performance and realizes that Liel is not an amateur magician, but has something troubling him and decides to help him.

scene 1: Liel performs and makes mistakes as always. Jason is there and notices that Liel might need his help.

scene 2: Jason visits Liel after his show, Liel is reluctant at first, but he ends up with a crush on Jason and decides to give a shot at accepting his advice.

scene 3: Liel can't stop thinking about Jason. The next day at his show, he sees Jason in the audience, smiling and waving. Liel mans up and performs the show brilliantly until he notices something and his mind takes a dark turn...(nyahaha)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Character Conflict (Storyboard Assignment)

The character is a lazy, messy man whose conflict at the moment is a cup of coffee that he dropped and spilled all over his rug. However, he is too lazy to clean the mess up and is contemplating whether he should leave it be or clean it up. The mess on the kitchen floor and the table indicates that he is not very fond of cleaning, and his messy hair and stubbles as well as his ripped gown that seems loose on his body shows that he is not a clean guy at all. Also, his slouched back and dark circles under his eyes hints that he is rather tired and does not want to deal with any problem, no matter how small the problem is.

Mr.Coffee and Mr.Fixit Storyboard Assignment